Tuck School of Business

Table of Contents


  1. Tuck in the World

    1. Bakala TuckGO Locations

      1. Sweden (GIX)

        Destination City

        Course Title
        “Sweden: Gender Equality, Sustainability, and Lifestyle Branding”

        Course Themes
        This GIX takes a critical look at Sweden and its welfare as well as its perception of democratic lifestyle branding, which is tied into ideas about equality, sustainability and traceability of raw material. We will meet stakeholders and innovators from the fashion industry, as well as everyday Swedes. We will visit the IKEA museum and hopefully tour a Nordic Noir thriller film set. You will return with and altered sense of the lifestyle branding industry (fashion, cars and furniture) and gender equality, and with a deeper understanding of its relevance and challenges, as the world ventures further into the 21st century.


        Global Insight Expeditions (GIXs) are faculty-led global immersion courses. They typically last eight to 10 days and provide opportunities to interact in a meaningful way with local businesses, nonprofits, government officials, and entrepreneurs.

        GIXs are part of TuckGO in which students choose from a portfolio of immersive global courses that provide them with the skills and knowledge to successfully navigate diverse business environments.