Tuck School of Business

Table of Contents


  1. Tuck in the World

    1. Bakala TuckGO Locations

      1. Ireland (GIX)

        Destination Cities
        Cork, Dublin, Belfast, London (U.K.)

        Course Title
        “Managing Political Risk and Uncertainty in a Brexit World: Strategies for Multinational Engagement and Investment in Ireland and the U.K.”

        Course Themes
        Observe the similarities and differences of business and inward investment culture between the south and north of Ireland, and between Ireland and England; understand the context of Brexit and its implications for Anglo-Irish relations, the north-south divide on the island of Ireland, and broader U.K.-EU engagement moving forward; learn how MNEs can factor market and institutional uncertainty and political risk into their investment and expansion strategies;Gain insights on the interconnected issue around headquarters-subsidiary relations for multinationals, and specifically where to locate subsidiaries and regional headquarters, and how much autonomy or control to exert when there is increased or high contextual uncertainty and political risk.


        Global Insight Expeditions (GIXs) are faculty-led global immersion courses. They typically last eight to 10 days and provide opportunities to interact in a meaningful way with local businesses, nonprofits, government officials, and entrepreneurs.

        GIXs are part of TuckGO in which students choose from a portfolio of immersive global courses that provide them with the skills and knowledge to successfully navigate diverse business environments.