Tuck School of Business

Table of Contents


  1. Tuck in the World

    1. Bakala TuckGO Locations

      1. Peru (GIX)

        Destination Cities
        Lima, Cusco

        Course Title
        “Peru’s Andean Miracle: Lessons at the Intersection of the Private Sector and Public Policy”

        Course Themes
        Sustainable economic growth and the Peruvian middle class; private-public partnerships to address social issues; entrepreneurship in a developing economy; economic policy-making in an unstable political environment, the economy and government of Peru in the context of South America.


        Global Insight Expeditions (GIXs) are faculty-led global immersion courses. They typically last eight to 10 days and provide opportunities to interact in a meaningful way with local businesses, nonprofits, government officials, and entrepreneurs.

        GIXs are part of TuckGO in which students choose from a portfolio of immersive global courses that provide them with the skills and knowledge to successfully navigate diverse business environments.