Proctor Academy

Table of Contents


  1. Academic & Administrative

    1. Recording Studio

      One of Proctor's newest facilities, the recording studio is, in the words of the designer "The finest teaching recording studio in the world." While the technology inside gives students the ability to mix tracks like professionals, it is the vibration insulation that catches the attention of national media. A writer for an acoustic design magazine noted, "Each room is suspended by thousands of rubber pads against the outside wall, so that a heavy truck passing by on North Street (which would be rare) will have no discernible vibration in the performance spaces or the recording studio... No one has ever seen anything like this. And then there's the recording technology!" In recording classes, each student designs unique mixes of music, which is displayed on a projection screen for other students to appreciate and evaluate. Visit this space when it's in action, with jazz/rock playing in the studio, with the recording team working the state-of-the-art sound systems.