Middlebury College

Table of Contents


  1. Admission Tour Locations

    1. Middlebury College Museum of Art

      From the lobby of the MAC, a quick turn takes you through the entrance of the Middlebury College Museum of Art, and out of our Vermont town into ninth-century BCE Assyria, where you’ll find yourself face-to-face with the Winged Genie.

      The Assyrian relief at the door is just the gateway to Middlebury’s art and artifacts that number in the thousands, stretching from antiquities to the contemporary, across all continents, in every medium, with particular strengths in prints and photographs.

      When you could use a moment to reflect or enjoy a bit of quiet, walk through the museum and enjoy the Renaissance painting and sculpture, Asian ceramics, or modern street art. Entrance is free, no matter how long or short your stay. And if your curiosity leans toward the academic, students can consult with museum staff, volunteer as museum assistants or tour guides, or attend one of the many gallery talks, films, and lectures.

      In addition to its permanent displays, the museum cycles six to eight exhibitions each year from its collection and that of visiting collections. The museum is where the diverse histories of art and culture meet the future makers of art and culture.

      72 Porter Field Rd.
      Middlebury, VT 05753