Middlebury College

Table of Contents


  1. Housing & Residence Halls

    1. Special Housing

      1. 131 Franklin Street (Hebrew House)

        While students at Middlebury’s summer Language Schools adhere to the Language Pledge—where they promise to forgo English for the summer to speak only in the language they’re studying—many students opt for a similar experience during the school year in a language house.

        The Hebrew House has room for three rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors to live and pledge to speak Hebrew within its walls. The house also serves as a resource for nonresident students who want to come practice Hebrew or get help with Hebrew classwork.

        The Hebrew house holds regular events, like a weekly Hebrew coffee hour, and has Hebrew music and games to play, as well as a kitchen for cooking and hosting meals.

        131 Franklin St.
        Middlebury, VT 05753