Middlebury College

Table of Contents


  1. Housing & Residence Halls

    1. Upperclassman Housing

      1. Meeker House

        Students who live in Meeker do so intentionally, setting out at the start of the year with a roster of housemates, and a purpose to carry them through the year. Upperclassmen must apply for the house as a group with a proposed theme. These themes change every year in the “superblock” process as rosters and applications are approved.

        Many students love this house for its proximity to the athletic facility and Mahaney Arts Center, and the fun layout of some of its attic rooms. Students live in 14 singles and two doubles, and make use of the kitchen, dining room, basement, lounge, and multiple common rooms, including the large space on the ground floor perfect for hosting events and parties.

        46 Porter Field Rd.
        Middlebury, VT 05753