College of Fine Arts Building is an architectural creation of Henry Hornbostel, the college’s first dean, and is home to three of its five schools: architecture, art, and music. To speak a little more about each of these:
In the School of Music, where they place the 1on1 work of student and teacher at the heart of the educational experience. Integral to this process is superb coaching in ensembles where every music student is part of an orchestra, chorus, wind ensemble, or chamber group with the highest standards of discipline and musicianship.
The School of Architecture emphasizes the role of creativity in architectural design, helps students understand architecture’s historical, social and environmental contexts; critically engaging technology in architectural innovation; and work ethically to achieve social progress and justice in the built environment.
The School of Art is a premier location for the interface between art, technology, and interdisciplinary art practice. The curriculum combines the advantages of a renowned studio program with the resources of a top-tier university.
Finally this college houses four BXA intercollege degree programs. The BXA program was developed to assist students in pursuing new discoveries and fields that bring together academic rigor and creative training. The B stands for Bachelors in. The A stands for Arts. The X is the intersection of disciplines, innovation and curiosity where the variable changes depend on the academic unit a student integrates with their College of Fine Arts concentration-- the bachelor’s of humanities & arts, science & arts, computer science & arts and engineering & arts.
Route Accessibility Note: If you do not want to use the stairs after this stop to get to Posner Hall, there is an alternative route to ues. Turn around to make a left going back to the Hunt Library. Continue until you get to Baker Hall where you will make a right to walk to the pathway next to The Fence. Once across from Doherty Hall and The Fence make a right and continue past the tennis court and the College of Fine Arts parking lot to go to Posner Hall.