University of Puget Sound

Table of Contents


  1. Academic & Administrative Spaces

    1. Locations

      1. Harned Hall

        Harned Hall, Puget Sound's 51,000-square-foot science laboratory building combines with Thompson Hall to form The Science Center at Puget Sound. This state-of-the-art facility fuses fluid space and innovative design to encourage collaboration across the science disciplines. 

        While in Harned Hall, be on the lookout for Science on Display, a series of art installations and physical features that integrate the study of science into the very experience of walking through the building. Features include a two-story analemma, Foucault pendulum, and more.

        To view accessibility information, check the Accessibility category checkbox in the Locations list.

        You can see a 360 panoramic view of  a chemistry lab in Harned Hall through our online virtual tour for prospective students.