What is the Diversity Center?
The Diversity Center (DC) offers a nurturing, inclusive, and brave space for UP community members of all-backgrounds (race/ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, national/geographic origin, language use, SES, FGEN, Veteran/Military status, intersectional identities, etc.). This is a space for people to study, relax, meet, interact, and engage with each other in a supportive learning environment. It is a place of mutual respect and cultural humility.
Where can I find the DC?
The Diversity Center is located in Buckley Center 102.
When is the DC open?
The Diversity Center's Hours of Operation are:
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. M-F.
After hours (4:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.), student groups, faculty, and staff may book directly via EMS. Those without access to EMS should call the Office of International Education, Diversity, and Inclusion at 503.943.8112 or email oiedi@up.edu to book a time. All after-hours bookings will be reviewed by the Office of International Education, Diversity, and Inclusion.