Phillips Academy Andover

Table of Contents


  1. Athletics

    1. Pan Athletic Center

      The 70,000-square-foot structure will house a swimming and diving complex, dance studios, wrestling facilities, and the Athletics Hall of Honor. Situated near the Snyder Center, the new building is the latest step forward for the Campus Master Plan and corresponding Athletic Facilities Master Plan, which seeks to ensure Andover students have top-tier facilities for both interscholastic competition and general health and wellness.


      • The new building will house a 25-meter Short Course Olympic Pool and includes 13 practice lanes running east/west and 8 competition lanes running north/south. The south end of the competition course is movable to provide flexibility so pool length and number of practice lanes can expand. Adjacent to the pool is a hot tub, multiple locker rooms and a second-floor viewing area.
      • Expansive dance facilities including a state-of-the-art performance space, practice studio, make-up and costume rooms, and a green room.
      • Dedicated Wrestling facilities will include an all-gender space including a coach’s office; a warm-up, weigh-in, and training area; and competition space with spectator seating.

      Building construction is on track with the goal of opening for the fall 2022 academic year.