Phillips Academy Andover

Table of Contents


  1. Academic

    1. Oliver Wendell Holmes Library

      The Oliver Wendell Holmes Library is named for the famous physician and poet, a member of the Phillips Academy class of 1825. One of the largest high school libraries in the country, the OWHL, as it is affectionately called, not only houses more than 100,000 books, but also provides students access to more than three million digital and printed books, academic titles, periodicals, and other research materials through its connection with the NOBLE library consortium. Each day, hundreds of students come to the OWHL to make use of its quiet study spaces or its collaborative workspaces. They can plug in wirelessly to the Internet, get help with research projects from one of the nine librarians on staff, make use of the Phillips Academy Computer Center (PACC), browse the stacks, or borrow DVDs, iPads, eReaders, and laptops as needed. The most popular spot in the library is the wood-paneled Garver Room, the large, silent study area that was used to shoot several scenes for the movie Dead Poet's Society. Also housed in the OWHL are the Technology Support Center, the Academic Skills Center, the office of the school's archivist, and a computer training center.