PSU - Altoona

Table of Contents


  1. Penn State Day Open House | 10/12/24

    1. 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. | Academic Lab Tours

      Visit the following locations from 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. to view some of our labs and speak with faculty:

      Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology and Mechanical Engineering: Force Technology Center, First Floor Lobby
      Tour our engineering labs to see student project areas, the machine shop, a classroom where students learn how to make G-codes for CNC machines, and PLC lab where students learn programming robots and controls.

      Kinesiology: 101 Adler Athletic Complex
      Visit our newly renovated classroom and teaching laboratory to see our equipment and demonstrations of assessments students learn while in the program.

      Psychology: W119 Smith Building
      Attend a short demonstration in our Social Science Research Lab to see how you can get involved in research as a student.

      Sciences: 105 Holtzinger
      Stop by to tour our science lab.