Cal Poly Pomona Campus Map

Table of Contents


  1. Sustainability

    1. Hydration Stations

      1. Building 8: College of Science

        North of College of Education and Integrated Studies/College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences (Bldg. 5) and East of Biotechnology Building (Bldg. 4).
        • As one of only eight polytechnic universities in the US, the College of Science (COS) at Cal Poly Pomona is committed to a top-notch science education though discovery and innovation. With the university’s learn-by-doing philosophy, our programs advance science and foster real-world education. Our professionally active faculty members prepare students to become qualified science professionals.
        • The Computer Science Department laboratories are located on the ground floor of building 8 and the second floor of Building 3. All workstations in CS labs are dual-boot and run CentOS6 Linux and Windows 7 Professional images.
        • Software Engineering Lab (8-51): The lab is configured for use by up to nine four-student teams. Each semicircular team table is equipped with a dual-boot workstation running CentOS6 Linux and Windows 7 Professional images. Each table has power and data connections for three additional portable computers. The lab has wireless internet access, and is equipped with a ceiling-mounted projector and electronic screen that can display the instructor's screen for demonstration purposes. The lab is open to the public when classes aren't using it.
        • Windows Workstation Lab (8-52): This lab has 35 dual-boot workstations running CentOS6 Linux and Windows 7 Professional images. There is a Videodidact Classroom Control System installed that allows the instructor to access and control student workstations. The lab is open to the public when classes aren't using it.

        Sustainability Information:
        • Hydration Stations located on ground floors, 1, 2, 3