Cal Poly Pomona Campus Map

Table of Contents


  1. Sustainability

    1. Hydration Stations

      1. Building 3: Science Laboratory

        North of Biotechnology Building (Bldg. 4) and West of College of Science (Bldg. 8).


        • Cal Poly Pomona is one of only eight polytechnic universities in the U.S. and the College of Science (COS) is committed to a top-notch education though discovery and innovation. With the university’s learn-by-doing philosophy, our programs advance science and foster real-world education. Our professionally active faculty members prepare students to become qualified science professionals.
        • The Computer Science Department laboratories are located on the ground floor of building 8 and the second floor of Building 3. All workstations in COS labs are dual-boot and run CentOS6 Linux and Windows 7 Professional images.
        • This lab is used for the Computer Science courses to learn the fundamental concepts and implementation of UNIX-based operating systems and programming languages. Courses utilizing Linux as a core operating system use this lab, and a variety of programming languages and software packages provide an optimal environment for Computer Science courses. The lab is locked when classes aren't using it.
        Sustainability Information:
        • Hydration Stations located on floors 1, 2