Carleton College

Table of Contents


  1. Outdoor Spaces

    1. Stewsie Island

      This island is named after Superintendent of Grounds D. Blake Stewart (aka “Stewsie”), who was responsible for much of the early development of the Arb along with Professor Harvey E. Stork starting in the 1920s. Since Stewsie Island’s dedication ceremony during Reunion in the summer of 2001, it has been home to a stone labyrinth, laid in the style of the Chartres Cathedral Labyrinth. These labyrinths, which are often mistaken for mazes, have a single path in and out, and were originally intended to represent the long and often arduous journeys undertaken by European pilgrims to the Holy Land in the Middle Ages. Many modern labyrinths such as the one on Stewsie have dropped the original Christian connotations, but visitors walking the path can still find it a reflective and meditative experience.