301 Goodsell Circle
Built in 1888
Renovations in 2001
Located at 93° 09′ 07.9″ W and 44° 27′ 42.4″ N, altitude 290m, Goodsell houses three historic telescopes still used for astronomy classes along with a number of modern telescopes. The observatory is named after Charles M. Goodsell, a local flour miller at whose home Carleton’s articles of incorporation were signed in 1866 and who provided half of the college’s initial 20 acres of land. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Carleton was widely recognized as one of the top timekeeping institutions in the nation thanks to Goodsell. With what was at the time one of the best telescopes in the U.S., the astronomy department could take extremely mathematically precise measurements that allowed operators to calculate the time to a very high degree of precision. This especially helped railroads, which needed accurate time to run their trains and prevent collisions.
Fun fact: Goodsell was turned into R2D2 in June 2010 as a prank by some enterprising students—it came complete with sound effects!
Floor plans
For security purposes, building floorplans are only available to Carleton faculty, staff, and students :
Basement, Floor 1, Floor 2
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