Map - University of Montana

Table of Contents


  1. Buildings

    1. Academic

      1. PEAS Farm

        Since its inception in 1997, the Program in Ecological Agriculture and Society (PEAS Farm) has combined traditional academics with hands-on work at an urban, sustainable farm.

        Each growing season, UM students working at the PEAS Farm grow thousands of pounds of fruits and vegetables for local CSA holders and for the Missoula Food Bank to distribute to low-income families. Animals on the farm include pigs, chickens, and our beloved farm cat, Ophelia.

        Josh Slotnick, former PEAS farm director and now Missoula County commissioner, worked with students and community partners to start the farm on University land at Fort Missoula in 1997. In 2001, the farm moved to the upper west side of the Rattlesnake Valley.

        The site now includes a straw bale barn, greenhouse, hoop houses, shed, office, chicken coop, orchard, parking lot and play area. Much of the electricity comes from a solar array. The community helped build the farm through generous donations of money, time, labor and materials.