New Mexico State University

Table of Contents


  1. State-Wide Locations

    1. Agricultural Science Centers

      1. Tucumcari (Rex E. Kirksey)

        1. Carport

          Named after Rex Kirksey, the longest-serving superintendent in the center's history, New Mexico State University's Rex E. Kirksey Agricultural Science Center at Tucumcari exists to discover, develop, and deliver information about globally applicable innovative solutions for crop and livestock systems in irrigated and dryland agriculture. The primary research focuses include: Semiarid cropping systems, irrigated forage crops and grazing management, genetic improvement of beef cattle through feed efficiency testing, and reuse of treated municipal wastewater for agricultural irrigation.


          College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (Tucumcari)

          6502 QUAY ROAD AM 5
          TUCUMCARI, NM, 88401

          Property: 404F