University of Toronto
Table of Contents
St. George Campus
Trinity College
University of St. Michael's College
Victoria University
Other Federated Colleges
121 St. George Street | IR
123 Edward Street | ED
123 St. George Street | WA
162 St. George Street | CO
215 Huron Street | HU
229 College Street | CZ
254-256 McCaul Street | RM
255 Beverley Street | BY
263 McCaul Street | OA
30 Charles Street West | C1
325 Huron Street
35 Charles Street West | C2
370 Huron Street | CA
371 Bloor Street West | FE
39A Queen's Park Crescent East
39A Queen's Park Crescent East | ML
40 Sussex Avenue | SX
439 University Avenue
455 Spadina Avenue | TT
665 Spadina Avenue | XG
700 Bay Street
700 University Avenue | UY
703 Spadina Avenue | IA
720 Spadina Avenue | FA
777 Bay Street
800 Bay Street
88 College Street | ZC
90 Wellesley Street West | JP
Aerospace Building | AS
Al Green Theatre
Anthropology Building | AP
Astronomy & Astrophysics Building | AB
Athletic Centre | WS | Warren Stevens Building
Back Campus Fields | BK
Bahen Centre for Information Technology | BA & VN
Bancroft Building | BF
Borden Building North | NB
Borden Building South | SB
C. David Naylor Building | NL
CampusOne Residence
Canadiana Gallery | CG
Central Steam Plant | ST
Chestnut Residence & Conference Centre | CN
Clara Benson Building | BN
Claude T. Bissell Building | BL
Communications House | CX
Convocation Hall | CH
Cumberland House | CU
D.L. Pratt Building | PT
Daniels Building | DA
Dentistry Building | DN
Donnelly Centre for Cellular & Biomolecular Research | DC
Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study | WR
Early Learning Centre | ER
Earth Sciences Centre (North Block)
Earth Sciences Centre (South Block)
Earth Sciences Centre (Willocks Block)
Earth Sciences Centre | ES
Edward Johnson Building | EJ
Electrometallurgy Lab | EL
Engineering Annex | EA
Exam Centre | EX
Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work | SK
Falconer Hall | FH
Fasken Building | LG
Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences | FI
FitzGerald Building | FG
Gage Building | GA
Galbraith Building | GB
Gerstein Science Information Centre | SM | Sigmund Samuel Library Building
Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport | GO
Graduate House (Grad Room) | GD
Hart House | HH
Haultain Building | HA
Health Sciences Building | HS
Innis College | IN
Innis Residence | IS | Innis College
J. Robert S. Prichard Alumni House | DR
Jackman Humanities Building | JH
Jackman Law Building & Flavelle House | LW
John P. Robarts Research Library | RL
Knox Presbyterian Church
Koffler House | KP
Koffler Student Centre | KS
Krembil Discovery Tower | KT | Toronto Western Hospital
Landmark Garage | FP
Lash Miller Chemical Laboratories | LM
Lassonde Mining Building | MB
Leslie Dan Pharmacy Building | PB
Louis B. Stewart Observatory | SO
Luella Massey Studio Theatre | GM
MaRS Centre South Tower
MaRS Centre West Tower | M2
Macdonald-Mowat House | MM
Max Gluskin House | GE
McLennan Physical Laboratories | MP
McMurrich Building | MR
Mechanical Engineering Building | MC
Medical Sciences Building | MS
Morrison Hall | MO | University College
Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy | MK | The Observatory
Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy | MU | Trinity
Myhal Centre for Engineering Innovation & Entrepreneurship | MY
New College III Residences | NR | New College
Nona Macdonald Visitors Centre | VI
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education | OI
Physical Geography Building | PG
Ramsay Wright Laboratories | RW
Rehabilitation Sciences Building | RU
Robert Street Field
Rosebrugh Building | RS
Rotman Commerce | WO
Rotman School of Management | RT
Sandford Fleming Building | SF
School of Continuing Studies | CS
School of Graduate Studies | GS
Schwartz Reisman Innovation Campus
SciNet Data Centre
Sidney Smith Hall | SS
Simcoe Hall | SI
Sir Daniel Wilson Residence | SD | University College
Soldiers' Tower | TR
St. Volodymyr Institute | VO
Stewart Building | EP
Strategic Enrolment Management | AD
Student Commons | SU
Sussex Court | SC
The Faculty Club | FC
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library | RB
U of T Graduate Students' Union | GU
U of T Libraries at Downsview | UD
University College Union | UP
University College | UC
Varsity Centre & Arena | VA
Varsity Pavilion | VP
Wallberg Memorial Building | WB
Wetmore Hall | WE | New College
Whitney Hall | WT | University College
Wilson Hall | WI | New College
Woodsworth College | WW
Woodsworth Residence | WO | Woodsworth College