University of New Haven Interactive Campus Map

Table of Contents


  1. Dining

    1. On Campus Dining

      1. Food on Demand (FOD)

        First floor, Westside Hall

        The technology-driven gourmet dining experience at FOD (Food on Demand) is a huge favorite with students. Ordering your individual meal at a touch-screen kiosk and being paged when it's ready is a fun and convenient way to enjoy fine cuisine. In addition to the regular menu, FOD also offers weekly specials.

        Food on Demand accepts Dining Dollars or Charger Cash using your University of New Haven Charger Card and accepts traditional payment options including cash, credit, and debit.

        FOD is a pioneer with its popular Reusable To Go Container program. Read more about this important initiative.

        The University began composting in September 2019 in the kitchens of The Marketplace in Bartels Hall and Food on Demand in Westside Hall. Sodexo staff collects food waste and places it into containers that are picked up twice per week by a company called Blue Earth Compost. The compost is then taken to Quantum Biopower in Southington, CT where it is further processed and creates electricity and other products. Click here to read more on The Charger Blog.