Texas A&M University - SAMPLE MAP

Table of Contents


  1. Campus Buildings

    1. Reveille Burial Site

      Reveille, known as the first lady of Aggieland, is the official mascot of Texas A&M. As a five-star general, she is the highest ranking member of the Corps of Cadets. Company E-2 has the privilege of taking care of Reveille, who attends class with her cadet handler. Reveille also attends every football game and many other events on and off-campus.

      Cadets address Reveille as "Miss Rev, ma'am" and it's said that if she is sleeping on a cadet's bed, that cadet must sleep on the floor.

      The first Reveille came to Texas A&M in January 1931. A group of cadets hit a small black and white dog on the road and picked her up and brought her back to school so they could care for her. She got her name the next morning when 'Reveille' was blown by a bugler and she started barking.

      When Reveille I died in 1944, she was given a formal military funeral. She was buried at the north end of Kyle Field so that the score of the Aggie football game was always visible from the site. After construction of the Bernard C. Richardson Zone in 1999, a graveyard was dedicated outside the Zone. A small electronic scoreboard was mounted on the Zone so that the score would remain visible and our former Revs would always know how the Fightin' Texas Aggies were doing.