Texas A&M University - SAMPLE MAP

Table of Contents


  1. Campus Buildings

    1. Academic Plaza

      The centerpiece for main campus and gathering spot for students studying and relaxing. The plaza continues to serve as a venue for a number of traditions. 


      The Academic Plaza is home to a statue of Lawrence Sullivan Ross, or Sully, as students call him. Sully was a former Texas Ranger, Governor of Texas and President of Texas A&M. During his presidency, way back in the 1890s, the Aggie Ring was designed, the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band was formed, and intercollegiate football was brought to campus.

      Silver Taps, one of Texas A&M's most honored traditions that pays tribute to a passing current student, also takes place here. A rendition of Taps, known as Silver Taps, is played from the dome of the Academic Building at the end of the ceremony.