Boston University

Table of Contents


  1. Charles River Campus

    1. Accessibility

      1. All-Gender Bathrooms

        1. School of Law Bathrooms

          765 Commonwealth Ave
          Boston, MA 

          All-gender bathrooms are located on the basement and mezzanine levels and on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 16th, and 17th floors. 

          Basement: Use is limited to those with access to the space.


          1st floor: Enter through the main entrance and go straight through the lounge area and down the hallway past the Tower elevators. At the end of the hallway, you will be in a lobby area. Continue straight and there will be 2 single-stall all-gender bathrooms on the left before the staircase.

          Mezzanine: Exit the Tower elevators area and take a right. There will be 2 single-stall all-gender bathrooms on the left after the study carrels (M04).


          2nd floor: Exit the Tower elevators area and take a right. Go down the first hallway immediately on the left. On the right, there will be 1 single-stall all-gender bathroom.


          4th floor: Exit the Tower elevators area and take a right. To get to a single-stall all-gender bathroom, you can do either of the following: go down the first hallway on the left and there will be 1 single-stall all-gender bathroom on the right OR go straight and there will be 1 single-stall all-gender bathroom on the left after the trash/recycling area.


          5th floor bathroom: Exit the Tower elevators area and take a right. There will be 1 single-stall all-gender bathroom on the left after the trash/recycling area.


          6th-12th floors: Exit the Tower elevators area and take a right. There will be 1 single-stall all-gender bathroom shortly down the hallway on the left.


          13th floor bathroom: Exit the Tower elevators area and take a right. There will be 3 single-stall all-gender bathrooms on the left immediately after the trash/recycling area but before closet 1390B.


          14th-17th floors: Exit the Tower elevators area and take a right. There will be 2 single-stall all-gender bathrooms on the left immediately after the trash/recycling area but before the closet.