Texas A&M University - SAMPLE MAP

Table of Contents


  1. Services

    1. Lactation / Mother's Rooms

      1. Lactation Space - EQOB 3230

        Room: 725

        Time Available: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

        Days Available: Monday – Friday

        Available to who: Public


        EQOB 725 is a designated lactation room with a table, multiple chairs, outlets, snacks, a television, and a soap dispenser. Please stop by the front desk for access to the room or contact Johanna Galloway at (979) 845-6098 or hanna.galloway@tamu.edu. For more information or questions regarding the space, please contact the Manager of Operations, Steve Canon at (979) 458-9166 or steven.canon@tamu.edu.

        Lactation Space Locations