Texas A&M University - SAMPLE MAP

Table of Contents


  1. Services

    1. Lactation / Mother's Rooms

      1. Lactation Space - Mitchell Physics 104, 105, 106

        Room: MPHY 104, 105, 106

        Time Available: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

        Days Available: Monday – Friday

        Available to who: Public

        MPHY 104 is a designated lactation room that is connected in one large room with a designated family room, MPHY 106, and a restroom, MPHY 105.  The lactation room has a refrigerator and a chair, and the family room has a coffee table and assorted pieces of furniture. To access this room, please contact Heather Walker in Room #118 at (979) 862-1653 or at hwalker@tamu.edu. Lactation room is available through key-check-out only.

        Lactation Space Locations