Texas A&M University - SAMPLE MAP

Table of Contents


  1. Services

    1. Lactation / Mother's Rooms

      1. Lactation Space - MSC 1407

        Room: MSC 1407

        Time Available: 8 a.m. - 11 p.m.

        Days Available: Sunday – Saturday

        Available to who: Public

        MSC 1407 is a designated lactation area on the first level of the MSC. Each lactation room is equipped with comfortable chairs and ottomans, a flat surface table, electrical outlets, small trash dispensers, and lockable sliding door. The shared lobby space houses a sink, soap and hand towel dispensers, a changing station, shared refrigerator, and a larger trash dispenser. Keys to the lactation area may be checked out at the MSC Information Desk Sunday through Saturday, beginning at 7:30 a.m. until 30 minutes prior to the MSC closing. For more information, please contact Doug Burns at (979) 845-8905 or at d-burns@tamu.edu, or call the MSC Information Desk at (979) 845-7098.

        Lactation Space Locations