Texas A&M University - SAMPLE MAP

Table of Contents


  1. Services

    1. Lactation / Mother's Rooms

      1. Lactation Space - ARCA 411B

        Room: 411B

        Time Available: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

        Days Available: Mondy – Friday

        Available to who: Public


        ARCA 411B is a private room that locks. There is a sink with dishwashing and hand soap, mini refrigerator, tables, chairs, and electrical outlets to accommodate women who need to breastfeed. For more information or questions regarding the space, please contact Shanielle Veazie at (979) 845-8035 or at sveazie@arch.tamu.edu or Deidra D. Davis, Ph.D., Asst Dean Community Wellness and Engagement at (979) 458-1310.

        Lactation Space Locations