Syracuse University

Table of Contents


  1. Buildings by Category

    1. Academic

      1. Goldstein Alumni & Faculty Center

        The Goldstein Alumni and Faculty Center at Syracuse University is located at 401 University Place. The original 1903 structure was designed in a modified Federal style and constructed of Red Akron brick and white Vermont marble (trim, sill courses, and bay window) with an Onandaga limestone foundation. The building was used as a chapter house for the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity prior to its conversion to a Faculty Center following acquisition by the University in 1974. This facility was renovated and expanded in 1997, when it was dedicated in honor of Alfred R. and Ann Lubin Goldstein, Class of 1948. In addition to dining and food preparation facilities on the first and second floors, this building also houses the Office of Alumni Relations. This structure now comprises an estimated 17,746 gross square feet. 

        Address: 401 University Place 
        Syracuse, NY 13244

        Building Number: NE02