Building ID: 3426 | Abbreviation: BEC
260 Kilgore Lane
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401
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In 2014, the College of Education acquired Tom Barnes Hall after the University purchased the Bryce campus.
Tom Barnes was an aide to Alabama Sen. Richard C. Shelby. He came to Washington in 1990 and rose from an intern to a full staff member for Mr. Shelby in just six months. Barnes was murdered in 1992. He was 25.
Barnes was a “young man who came to Washington filled with hopes of helping to make a better country…he had the ordinary desires and needs shared by so many of us: music, coffee, warm clothes for winter. Through his wallet, presented in evidence by the prosecution, [he] carried a quote from John Adams: “‘Teach your sons war and politics so that theirs might learn mathematics and medicine so that their children can study art, poetry, music and philosophy.'”
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