The project consists of reutilizing space in the first and second floor of HM Comer to give engineering students, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics (AEM) and Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (CCEE) departments separate areas for operation.
The renovation will include the “CUBE” area on the first floor and select offices on the East and West wings of the second floor, with new spaces being rebuilt to suit each respective department’s needs.
First floor modifications will give students a secure area, accessible at all hours, where they can collaborate with other students, helping them to excel in their studies and gain even more value from their time at the University.
Currently, the AEM and CCEE departments are dissimilar in functions, but are housed with each other. Having their own areas on the second floor will allow them to operate more efficiently and effectively for their students’ needs, allowing for more advancement to the College of Engineering as a whole.
In addition, the 3rd Floor is now proposed to be renovated, following the completion of the 2nd floor scope and resulting 3rd Floor vacancies, and will address the need for increased operational efficiencies and effectiveness amongst the College of Engineering’s Financial Services, External Affairs, and Dean’s Office Administrators.
The planning for this additional work was originally included in the Project and with the realized bid savings from the Package A bid the College would like to move forward with the work.
View on Building Bama
KPS Group Architects
General Contractor
Snow-Blakeney Construction