The University of Alabama

Table of Contents


  1. Construction

    1. Projects

      1. Current


          The Campus Steam Decommissioning Project ("Project") will improve the teaching, learning,

          and working environments of campus constituents by providing reliable and efficient thermal

          energy to facilities by replacing systems which have reached the end of their functional service

          life. Scope will include the addition of local boilers and the connections of additional buildings

          in coordination with the support of new facilities prior to the retirement of the existing steam



          The existing steam distribution system is approximately 60 years old and is at its optimal

          replacement age. As part of the University's strategic energy plan, the steam system has been

          incrementally decommissioned as buildings were connected to the Central Thermal System. This

          project decommissions the balance of the buildings, which have not been connected to the

          system. Furthermore, the existing steam boiler efficiency is impacted by the current minimal

          load, therefore overall efficiency will be enhanced. Finally, the steam system operates on a

          limited basis and is challenging to start up and shut down. When the campus experiences warm

          periods during the heating season building comfort is compromised due to system start up



          The Project has been separated into four (4) packages: Package A - Campus Steam

          Decommissioning 2023 ("Package A") which includes the buildings being removed from the

          campus steam system in 2023 (B.B. Comer Hall, Bureau of Mines #1, Bureau of Mines #2,

          Bureau of Mines #4, and ten Hoor Hall); Package B - Campus Steam Decommissioning 2024

          ("Package B"), which includes the buildings being removed from the campus steam system in

          2024 (Foster Auditorium, Reese Phifer Hall, Hardaway Hall, and Rowand-Johnson Hall) as well

          as the addition of a new boiler to the East Quad Energy Plant; Package C - Farrah Hall Steam

          Decommissioning ("Package C") which includes Farrah Hall Steam Decommissioning scope.


          included the construction of a new mechanical room to house a local boiler and connections to

          the central thermal system as necessary; Package D - Farrah Hall Selective Demolition and

          Utility Relocation which will consist of minimizing the impact to campus by performing site

          demolition activities and underground utility relocations during the 2023 Winter Break; and the

          Owner Furnished Contractor Installed Equipment package for the Rooftop DX units and High

          Efficiency Condensing Boilers.


          Package A-2023 Steam Decommissioning consisted of the Northwest Campus Boiler Station

          connection to B.B. Comer Hall, connecting Bureau of Mines #1 to the central thermal energy

          system, Bureau of Mines #2 and Bureau of Mines #4 will replace the HV AC systems utilizing

          electric and/or natural gas heating, and ten Hoor Hall will add a backup boiler. The steam system

          will still be in operation for the remaining Package B connected buildings.

          Package B - 2024 Steam Decommissioning will consist of connecting Foster Auditorium,

          Hardaway Hall, and Reese Phifer Hall to the central thermal energy system, Rowand-Johnson

          Hall to the Northwest Campus Boiler Station, and adding a new boiler to the East Quad Energy



          Package C - Farrah Hall Steam Decommissioning will consist of connecting Farrah Hall to the

          central thermal energy system and construction of a new mechanical room to house a local boiler

          and connections to the central thermal system as necessary to allow for the decommissioning of

          the steam plant and distribution system.


          Package D - Farrah Hall Selective Demolition and Utility Relocation will consist of minimizing

          the impact to campus by performing site.



          View on Building Bama


          HHB Engineers, P.C.

          General Contractor