Building ID: 3420 |
Abbreviation: UHALL
275 Kilgore Lane
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401
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University Hall is home to several units that comprise the Office of Teaching Innovation and Digital Education (OTIDE).
The University of Alabama Online (UA Online) Marketing and Recruitment, Program Development and Student Services teams recruit, retain and support students throughout their journey in the University’s online and hybrid degree programs.
The Instructional Technology and Academic Services (ITAS) and Creative Academic Media Services (CAMS) teams produce OTIDE’s online courses. The CAMS team operates a digital media studio used to produce video and other content.
New College LifeTrack provides the opportunity for nontraditional students to earn an interdisciplinary degree in a flexible format. With UA Early College, high school students can begin earning college credit and get a jump-start on their college education. ACCESS provides courses delivered online or through interactive videoconference to Alabama students in grades 6–12.
University Hall also houses UA SafeState, a state-sponsored industrial safety training and consulting program, with additional space and training rooms, as well as the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (CELL) and the UA Teaching Academy.
The OTIDE Associate Provost’s office and related support operations, including Information Technology, are also located in University Hall.
University Hall completed original renovations in August 2019. The renovations were made to increase space capacity on the Peter Bryce campus for academic purposes, restoring the structure of the former Women’s Reception Building for Bryce Hospital. University Hall is currently undergoing construction for an additional wing.