York University

Table of Contents


  1. Keele Campus

    1. Buildings

      1. Academic & Administrative

        1. Second Student Centre (SSC)

          15 Library Lane
          LEED Gold certified building completed 2018
          Hours of operation:
          Monday to Sunday 6:00am to 12:00am
          YUSC Office hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am to 6:00pm
          The Second Student Centre has lounge and study spaces for students. The building is also equipped with fully functional meeting rooms, studios, and conference centre. To know more about these services visit:
          Meals ordered from the Campus Meal Club are available for pick up at the Welcome Desk, go to:
          The building is designed to be accessible with all gender washrooms on every floor, an elevator in the core of the building, and acceptability doors. 

          - Meeting Rooms
          - Lounge
          - Studios
          - Cafe
          - Conference Centre
          - Study Space
          - Club offices
          - Women's Ablution room
          - Men's Ablution room
          - Prayer room
          - Congregation room
          - YUSC Office
          - Welcome Desk
          - YFS services
          - All gender washrooms 
          - Change rooms and showers  
          - Microwave stations