PSU - University Park

Table of Contents


  1. Academic & Administration

    1. Academic Buildings

      1. Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building

        Designed to meet the needs of our students and faculty for decades to come, the new Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Building is located on the site of the existing Fenske Laboratory near the intersection of Eisenhower Road and Shortlidge Road. The six-level building features state-of-the-art classroom and laboratory spaces designed to foster collaboration, both within and across the two departments as well as with neighboring colleges and institutes. It has also been designed for flexibility and adaptability, with components and equipment that can be reconfigured as our chemical and biomedical engineers pioneer transformational changes in their fields. 

        The Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Building reflects our deep commitment to excellence in engineering education and research, conveying to prospective students and faculty that Penn State is the best home for their work or study—the right place to bring their thirst for knowledge, their ideas and innovations, and their passion for teaching and learning engineering. That, in turn, strengthens both departments and enhances their ability to have a positive impact on the world.