Cal Poly Pomona Campus Map

Table of Contents


  1. Buildings

    1. Building 162: College of Business Administration

      College of Business Administration Complex - Auditorium.
      • The College of Business Administration at Cal Poly Pomona is an AACSB-International accredited institution committed to providing students with the knowledge, skills and experiences to become global leaders.
      • CBA offers undergraduate and graduate programs that have been recognized by U.S. News and World Report and the Princeton Review. Our bachelor of science degree in business administration includes eight concentrations with several career tracks for highly-specialized fields of study. Whether enrolled as an undergrad or working toward one of three graduate degrees, the CBA integrates business education with meaningful hands-on learning opportunities.
      Sustainability Information:
      • Earned Silver rating through the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification System.
      • Hydration Stations located on building exterior