Hawaii Convention Center HCC

Table of Contents


  1. Artworks

    1. 1st Floor Artworks

      1. 03 -Hawaii Ku Like Kakou (Hawaii Kakou)

        acrylic on plywood panels, 2011
        Location: Main entry / Lobby
        *Funded by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and gifted to the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority.

        Hawai ‘i Ku- Like Ka-kou (Hawai‘ i Ka-kou)*
        Native Hawaiian Artists and Students

        Hawai ‘i Ku- Like Ka-kou (Hawai ‘i Ka-kou) is a Hawaiian-inspired community mural project creating a visual response to the gathering of world economies in our homeland. Hawai‘i’s connection to land and people provides an inclusive, indigenous perspective of community economics: an economy of relationships, sharing and aloha.