Located at the top of Sunset Hill in Dahlonega, the HNS building is the most difficult academic building to travel to of all five campuses. YOU WILL NEED ADDITIONAL TIME TO TRAVEL HERE.
Housed inside is the health science library, planetarium, Biology offices, Physical Therapy offices, Nursing offices, and a computer lab.
Ways students can get to the HNS building:
- Easiest Route for Commuters: Park at the Commuter Student Parking Deck (Lot 14) across campus at the Rec Center, take the elevator to the top level, walk 150 yards to the bollards on Georgia Circle between Dunlap and Barnes Halls, wait 2-12 minutes and take the UNG Shuttle.
- Easiest Route for Residents:
Find parking in the Walker Drive Parking Deck (Lot 32), go to the northwest elevator and take it to the top level, then walk an additional two hundred yards.
- Alternative for Commuters and Residents: Park in the West Parking Lot (Lot 30) via Sunset Drive, walk 150 yards and climb nearly six flights of stairs to reach ground level.
- If you are coming from one of the other academic buildings, you can opt to take a third-of-a-mile hike that ascends nearly 100 feet.
- For ADA Students, if the six ADA parking slots are full, there are four more ADA slots two football field lengths away on top of the Walker Drive Parking Deck.
159 Sunset Drive
Dahlonega, Georgia 30597