Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Table of Contents


  1. Student Life

    1. Scandling Campus Center

      The Scandling Center is a focal point of the Colleges. Built in the center of campus in 1984, it serves many purposes, most notably housing the main student dining hall. William Scandling '49, who donated the building, is a co-founder of the Saga Corporation, one of the nation's most successful college food services.

      Scandling and classmates Harry "Hunk" Anderson and William Laughlin started the business as Hobart students in the 1940s. Today, Sodexho, a division of the Marriott Corporation, operates the dining center, re-named the Great Hall of Saga.

      Another dining facility, the Café, also is located within the Scandling Center, as is the Creedon Room, which houses the offices of Conferences and Events as well as the Campus Activity Board.

      The Wasey Room, a game room and popular student hang out, and the Student Activities Office and the Colleges' radio station, home to WEOS-FM and WHWS-FM, are under the center's roof as well.