Bampton-Hobart Honors House
Located at 720 S. Main St., Bampton House is the Hobart College Honors and Leadership House, which places a special emphasis on the "Hobart Heritage." By Hobart Heritage we mean the body of values and traditions which constitute the mission and identity of the College, in fulfillment of its founding vision and as interpreted and enacted for contemporary students. Bampton House was founded in 1990, after the distinguished Hobart alumnus, James William Bampton '32 gifted the house and its concept to Hobart College. Mr. Bampton wanted the House to be a place on campus where Hobart student leaders could live together and bring greater visibility to the achievements and values they represent, and, thereby, perpetuate the Hobart Heritage. Bampton House is overseen jointly by the Hobart Dean's Office, the Office of Residential Education, and a peer resident House Manager who is in charge of programming. Dean Chip Capraro is the House Advisor. Programming at Bampton includes a series of themed dinners with faculty speakers, service projects, and informal social events. Residents of Bampton are selected on the basis their academic and extra-curricular achievement and leadership, and their reflections on the Hobart Heritage.