Morgan State University

Table of Contents


  1. Campus Services

    1. Computer Labs

      1. Departmental Labs

        1. Computer Science Labs

          The Computer Science Labs are centrally located on Morgan's Academic Quad in the School of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences. They provide technology resources, software, and support to students majoring in Computer Science.

          Special features include:

          • 3 computer labs, 63 workstations
          • 2 black & white HP M605 Enterprise printers (managed by PaperCut)
          • One group study table for collaborative efforts
          • Wireless access throughout

          Location, Hours & Contact Info.

          • Calloway Hall 304, 312, 318
          • Wendy Smith, 443-885-4503
          • Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.
          • Sat - Sun: Closed


          • Adobe Reader; Android Studio IDE; Blender; C#; IrfanView; Matlab R2015; Microsoft Office 2016; Microsoft Visual Studio; MikTex2.9; MySQL; Netbeans IDE 8.1; OpenGL; PEP 8; Polyview; Putty; PyGame; Python (2.7 and 3.3); Respodus Lockdown Browser; Seamonkey; SWI Prolog; Virtual Box; WEKA; WIRE SHARK