Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Table of Contents


  1. Academic & Administrative

    1. Rosenberg Hall / Napier Classroom Center

      Rosenberg Hall is a 35,000-square-foot research and teaching building offering the latest in scientific facilities and equipment, and the adjacent Napier Classroom Center provides four modern classrooms available for use by all departments of the Colleges.

      The chemistry department is located in adjoining buildings on the first floor of Rosenberg Hall and the second floor of Lansing Hall. The Council on Undergraduate Research has said that Rosenberg Hall, home to the HWS biology department, is "among the best - if not the best-designed undergraduate science teaching-learning, research facilities we have ever seen."

      The buildings' 15 instructional laboratories, 12 student-faculty research laboratories, 3 instrument rooms, a sterile culture room, chemical storage rooms, greenhouse, and computer labs are light-filled and neatly appointed with soft woods, glass and polished steel.

      The department also has state-of-the-art, research-grade instrumentation for teaching and research. A partial list includes DNA thermal cycler, UV band scanner, spectrophotometers, environmental growth chambers, patch clamp equipment, CO2 incubators, O2 and CO2 analyzers, SEM, TEM, Zeiss inverted flourscence microscope, Olympus phase contrast microscopes, DNA sonicator, fluorometer, and a computer graphics workstation. Individual faculty research labs have additional specialized equipment including rotary evaporators and high vacuum lines in synthetic labs, computational clusters for computational research, and electrochemical equipment for analytical research.