Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Table of Contents


  1. Academic & Administrative

    1. Albright Auditorium

      Albright Auditorium stands on the south side of the Quad and serves as a functional teaching amphitheatre for a maximum of 500 students. Built in 1957, the building was named for Raymond W. Albright, Sr., former chair of the Board of Trustees. It was funded through grants from individual trustees and by a gift from the Parents Association. In 1960, through the gift of another trustee, Ivar N. Hultman, modern audio-visual equipment was installed in the auditorium. Anti-Gravity Monument: Quietly tucked beneath the trees outside Albright Auditorium is a curious "tombstone." Erected to remind students of the blessings forthcoming when a semi-insulator is discovered in order to harness gravity as a free power and reduce airplane accidents. The location of the stone on campus was linked to a gift to the Colleges of "gravity grant" stocks, now totaling more than $1 million, from Roger Babson, founder of Babson College. The two trees shading the stone are said to be direct descendants of Newton's famous apple tree.