Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Table of Contents


  1. ADA Accessibility

    1. Office of Marketing and Communications

      Located at 623 S. Main St in Geneva, N.Y., The Office of Marketing and Communications includes professional staff members who oversee the following programs and initiatives: Publicity for the Colleges and its faculty, staff and students; Media Relations including coordinating and responding to all requests from journalists; Athletics Communications; Photography including This Week in Photos; Videography; The HWS website and its content; Graphic design including posters, publications, brochures and event materials; Graphic Standards; The Pulteney Street Survey, the Colleges' magazine for alumni, alumnae and parents; The weekly HWS e-newsletter; Social Media.

      Members of the HWS community are encouraged to contact Communications to share news, events, photos and ideas for possible inclusion on the Daily Update and This Week in Photos or for distribution via social media or to the media.

      Members of the Office of Communications are available 24 hours a day to respond to media inquiries. Please contact:

      Cathy Williams, Vice President for Communications
      E-mail: cwilliams@hws.edu
      Office: (315) 781-3696
      Cell: (585) 727-6471  

      Mary LeClair, Associate Vice President of Communications
      E-mail: leclair@hws.edu
      Office: (315) 781-3697
      Cell: (315) 651-5103