Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Table of Contents


  1. ADA Accessibility

    1. Emerson Hall

      Located on what is commonly referred to as Emerson Hill, Emerson Hall, built in 1969, is home to both Hobart and William Smith Students and forms a quad with Caird Hall, deCordova Hall and McCormick House. Emerson Hall is designed with a suite style. Each suite has two double bedrooms and 2 single bedrooms with a living room and a bathroom. Students living in Emerson Hall may have a co-ed suite as long as residents in the double bedrooms are the same gender. Each room is equipped with full cable and computer/Internet access. Home to 83 students, Emerson Hall has a lounge four small kitchens, and laundry facilities. The first floor of the building is used as classroom and meeting space.