The Finger Lakes Community Development Center (FLCDC) is a major program of the Finger Lakes Institute and the experiential component of the
Sustainable Community Development Program at Hobart and William Smith Colleges.
The FLCDC has expertise and resources from Hobart and William Smith Colleges and the Finger Lakes Institute to guide communities to localized sustainable development solutions. Participation in the process often leads to more than just plans for improvements to the built and natural environment -the process itself helps build capacity, establish connections, and spur long-term involvement in civic life by participants.
Launched in 2011 with funding from the Isabel Foundation, the Finger Lakes Community Development Center provides Hobart and William Smith Colleges students with opportunities to integrate environmental studies with economic development and subsequently apply their academic experiences to issues facing Finger Lakes communities.
Many Finger Lakes Community Development Center students are enrolled in the Sustainable Community Development minor program, and represent a wide range of majors, including Architecture, Geoscience, Economics, Environmental Studies, and Urban Studies.