Georgia Tech
Table of Contents
Because of You - Josh Garber
Big Red Tumpkin - Verina Baxter
Chandeliers - Dale Chihuly
Chip Off the Ole Block - Patrick Dougherty
Cinch - Adam Garey
Crown - Doug Schatz
Einstein - Robert Berks
Einstein-Armature - Robert Berks
Kessler Campanile
Koan - John Portman
Macrophage: "Aceso" - Josh Garber
Macrophage: "Iaso" - Josh Garber
Mercury, Venus, Mars - Peter Lundberg
Oh'd - Bret Price
Ovation - Barbara Rowlett-Rheingrover
Place holder
Poly - Julian Voss-Andreae
Rim - William Tucker
Rosa Parks: Continuing the Conversation - Martin Dawe
Sculpture - Jetson
Sculpture - John Heisman
Sculpture - The First Graduate
Sculpture - The Veil
Squirt - John Clement
Statue - Bobby Dodd
Statue - Callaway Plaza
Statue - Dean of Students, George C. Griffin
The Three Pioneers - Martin Dawe
Tux - Isaac Duncan III
Untitled - Josh Garber
Untitled - Terrence Karpowicz
Watchtower - Mike Roig
Without Within - Robert Winkler