The Sun Valley Watershed Multi-Benefit Project in Los Angeles earned the Envision® Platinum award—the highest level attainable in the Envision system and is only the 2nd Platinum awarded in SoCal.
Project is a first-of-its-kind venture geared to managing storm water for the Sun Valley Watershed. The project provides flood protection, improved watershed health, increased open space and recreational opportunities, and increased wildlife habitat. The project also received 67% of the Department’s applicable Envision credits; the most any project has received to date from the Envision infrastructure rating system.
The project consists of several completed components including Tuxford Green, Sun Valley Park Drain and Infiltration System, Elmer Avenue Neighborhood Retrofit, and the Elmer Avenue Paseo. Other components include the Rory M. Shaw Wetlands Park and the Sun Valley Watershed Upper Storm Drain System and Recycled Water Line, which are in the final design stage. The Valley Steam Plant and the Whitnall Powerline Easement components are in the conceptual design stage.
8981 San Fernando Road, Sun Valley, CA 91352