EcoMap California

Table of Contents


  1. California Green Buildings

    1. ISI Envision

      1. ISI Envision Platinum

        1. South Los Angeles Wetland Park

          The South Los Angeles Wetland Park in Los Angeles, California, earned the Envision® Platinum award—the highest level attainable in the ISI Envision sustainable infrastructure rating system and the first project in Southern California to receive an ISI Envision award and is only the second project to receive an Envision Platinum rating in the state. 
          The South L.A. Wetland Park infrastructure project is located in a historically undeveloped area of Los Angeles County, formerly known as South Central Los Angeles. The project is a result of Proposition O, a program supported by a series of general obligation bonds valued at $500 million, whose projects were conceived to protect public health by removing pollution from the City’s watercourses, beaches, and the ocean to meet Federal Clean Water Act requirements.

          “The South L.A. Wetland Park is a good example of an integrated engineering solution that successfully built consensus, captured and improved local urban runoff, and created a new neighborhood-revitalizing amenity. It represents what is possible when an owner and an engineer collaborate and redefine the paradigm of multi-benefit projects" ~Psomas

           5413 S Avalon Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90011