Texas A&M University - SAMPLE MAP

Table of Contents


  1. Services

    1. Open Access Labs

      1. Horticulture/Forest Science Building Open Access Lab (HORT)

        Open Access Labs (OAL), a resource provided by Texas A&M University Technology Services, provides a wide range of computers, software, printing and plotting. These services are available in our three (3) staffed labs - available up to 24 hours - and in other locations campus wide.

        Mon-Fri 7:30AM - 5:00PM
        Sat-Sun Closed

        In room 119X, on West Campus near Wehner and the Biochemistry/Biophysics Building
        • Black and White Printer - 1 (8.5"x11")
        • PC Workstations - 33
        • Scanners - 2